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Date Posted: 15:26:20 09/03/02 Tue
Author: Captain Ein & Thrasher
Subject: Fiddle dee dee

Captain Ein stood up from his command chair, and straightend out his unifrom, and motioned Thrasher to come over to him.

We're here. We just have to make a stop in, make a report on the situation of the StarBase, and report back. That's the end of our shakedown mission. We're already behind schedual.

Right Captain. Sounds like a sound plan.

Ein reached over and called Chilly on his com.

Chilly, make sure the engine systems are ready for full power to warp. We're along way from home and no port to send us out. Over.

Roger Captain. I'll have her cranking at 110% when you're back. Out

Ein then pressed a button on his chair, and infront of them, a holographic Man in a blue suit emerged infront of Ein and Thrasher.

Please state the nature of the ship emergancy. The hologram said in the usual british accent.

Well, I see the new Gidiam is up an running. Gidiam, you have command of the bridge as long as no other officers enter on. We're heading to the docking bay to survay. You got that?

Very well captain, I shall do my best.

Ein nodded, and then soon, he and Thrasher went to the center of the bridge, where Gidiam was was keeping watch. Ein presseda button on his datapad, and a red portal appeared behind them. Quickly, the two walked in, and were gone.

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