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Subject: .:|willow|:.

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Date Posted: 18:42:19 11/06/02 Wed
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In reply to: Praise 's message, "*~*Silvery Silence*~*" on 16:33:38 11/04/02 Mon

.:|elven maiden gallops in 'pon a steed o' midnight hue and fiery as the sunset. Her bronze hair glints in the sun, her teal eyes are intent. She calls out, coming from the backside of the hobbits and humans, having been missed by the dark things. She halts her mount, dismounting quickly and running over. She pants, pulling out her bow but no nocking it. She walks over, eyes flaming|:.

Perhaps I may be of assistance?

.:|she asks, slightly sarcastic. But she was serious at heart. Her swordsmanship, riding, hunting and tracking skills were exceptional, and she was a Ranger. She glances from one to the other.|:.

You may not make it to the Houses of Healing, all the way in Gondor. But maybe you can make it to Rivendell. I can help you if you wish...Or I can stay and fight.

.:|glares at the dark things, seeing their attack coming fast|:.

Anything you say...but quickly!

.:|pulls out her arrows and nocks one, ready for anything|:.

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