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Subject: ^^BlueFlame^^ & ~~*Water Twilight*~~

Luinnar and Nenuial
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Date Posted: 18:41:25 12/04/02 Wed
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In reply to: Praise 's message, "~*~Silvery Silence~*~" on 01:36:50 12/04/02 Wed

^^An elvish maiden rides in ‘pon her white spotted, brown appaloosa. She rode faster than the wind and it felt as if her horse were dancing on top of the air. She pulled back on the reins and her horse un-expectantly reared up and landed softly back on the ground. She spotted Praise, lying on the ground. If the mood in the air were not so negative, she would have greeted him with a smile, as she had promised him to help. Instead of smiling, her mouth opened slightly, in shock. Her eyebrows showed her concern. Her pale blue eyes glinted in the setting sun as the wind whipped her dark brown hair. Her horse slowing reared up again with a free spirit. The sun, which was only half showing over the earth, gave her hair a tint of blue. She looked behind her as if looking for someone.^^


^^She yelled out for her cousin.^^

~~*Soon after, a grey bucksin rode up. Nenuial, Luinnar’s cousin, pulled to a stop beside Luinnar. She looked at Luinnar with question. What was happening? She had heard of the attack in Hobbiton but knew almost nothing of it. Moreover, what was a cat doing lying on the ground? She wondered. She looked around at the few who held their presence in Hobbiton, waiting for some type of explanation. Was there anything of help she could do?*~~

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*shockedness*Meriadoc01:12:50 12/06/02 Fri

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