jiisssssssss (sad)
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Date Posted: 06:07:51 12/05/10 Sun
In reply to:
wong feu hung
's message, "How to hack yahoo hotmail aol gmail password []" on 00:11:26 11/21/08 Fri
>Catch your spouse/partner cheating on you
>"It helped me discover concrete evidence of my
>husband's year long affair with his secretary"
>"Your password recovery service is brilliant! It
>didn't just help me catch my girlfriend cheating, I
>was able to discover a whole raft of gossip which has
>made her lose a lot of friends. Makes me feel so much
>better "
>-- Ian M, Manchester, England
>"Thank you for providing such an intelligent and
>insightful service. I orders last week and followed
>your instructions. It helped me discover concrete
>evidence of my husband's year long affair with his
>secretary. I've realized this nightmare marriage was a
>huge mistake, luckily I'm young and will be all the
>better for it!"
>-- Rose P, San Diego, CA
>Well.. There is nothing different in our services.
>Like other group, we simply crack email addresses ,
>and provide you the current password used by the
>victim to you for a suitable price. Nothing unique
>that we can brag about.... We don't hack NASA or CIA ,
>we cannot hack a bank and steal a million dollars.. We
>just crack email password .. AND WE DO A HECK OF A JOB
>IN IT !!
>We cannot be as presentable as the other groups,
>trying to look as formal and corporate, as if they are
>running a Major Corporate Office. However they present
>it...password retrieval, online investigation.. access
>recovery...blah blah blah.. the most simplest way to
>put it is.. : Email Password Cracking: !!
>And since everyone else is busy faking it, or trying
>to be more presentable, we utilize our skills to get
>you what you want.. i.e. THE EMAIL PASSWORD. No
>buttering up, no marketing skills.. plain hardcore
>hacking !!
>So, since you now know what we do , and want us to do
>the job for you, please proceed to the order page for
>your relevant TARGET EMAIL and submit your request.
>All said and done, we will get the elusive password &
>send you a couple of proofs. You decide upon the
>authenticity of the proofs, and let us know if you are
>comfortable going ahead with the payment. PAY US, AND
>And as they say.......
>LOVE ALL ........ TRUST ME !!
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