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Date Posted: 15:36:41 12/31/02 Tue
Author: Binoy

Not listening, not taken action, not bothered, these are the complains public have in government offices in Kerala. If people (public) have any decency they never again go there. Officers never explain why a person's complain is refused. People have right to know what is happening. In this era of computer why a person have to go one thousand one times to see an official. Didn't the officials learned their job? Most of the officials may be literate but don't know the abc of their administrative duty. There is no higher authority to check their duty.

Why public have to wait for the mercy of an official. Is he (official) a god or a human being? Evenif the paper or document is simple, the official never hand-over to the people to take to the next table. It has to go through "proper channel". If they are taking proper action, why scared of people. The officials are treating the document like the "atom bomb manufacturing process".

If you are in need of seeing an official, you cannot. Because he is like god, only appear on a certain hours of five days of a week.

People don't know where their papers are disappearing. This is called "shit red-tapism". Top government official's table to a lower divison clerk's table is month's length. May be a simple procedure will take more than 6 months to take a decision. Just like doing pilgrimage, you have to do pilgrim with offering to an official, if you decided to follow your file. A simple file just like manufacturing a product through various process have to pass through many tables, again go back and forth for clearing doubts etc.

My answer to the problem is to terminate all these GOs and replace them with contracting companies in western countries. With the help of computer, they can show them how fast a file can be taken decision.

Ruling parties or oppositon have nothing to do with this dirty business, GOs have their own invisible government. Take bold action on these stupids, then everything will be alright.

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