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Date Posted: 05:11:35 12/05/04 Sun
Author: william

I am writing to let the world know about how do the bad priests live in Rome,Italy.
In a place call Convitto S. Tommaso (Via Degli Ibernesi 20, 00184 Rome, Italy Tel: 0669791601)
The bad priests team up and cover up for one another. Here are what bad things they did to the general publics and against the general law and orders:
1. The Philippine Sister sleeps with the Fathers in Convitto S Tommaso in order to keep her job to stay in Rome not return to Philippine.
2. The head of the Father ( Father Luke) regularly calls the Sister to sleep with him in his room at night.
3. The head of the Father (Irish Fahter Luke) also lead every priest in Convitto S Tommasso drink. Every priests enjoy drinking unlimited supply of both white and red wine during their lunch and dinner time with plentiful and luxury supply of foods served by Philippine servant. Fathers are chatting women issue, travel Europe issues, and eating issues during their meals time with laughters.
4. Those Bad Fathers team up to cheat the tourists and innocent youngests money, valuable possession in Rome.
You can find those bad fathers hide those cheating and stolen GOLD AND JEWEL somewhere in Convitto S Tommasso.
5. The bad Fathers against the Italian Law without feeling guilty - the walk into the public transportation often without paying ticket.
6. They use dirty tricks to decieve teenagers and kids to have fun sex with them.

Those bad priests students from Convitto S Tommasso have learned that committing a crime is okay in Rome and the other Fathers will help them to cover up.
Therefore,when they return to their own country, they just go on what they did in Rome - continuous to do bad things to harm to the general public and the society!

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