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Subject: ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~

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Date Posted: 15:57:32 11/04/02 Mon
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.*.Beauty Will Toy with Your Mind.*.

.*.Be Careful with Your Heart.*.

Fatale's delicate nares flared with frustration and fury, now a wanderer her heart was lost of not knowing where to turn her being. Heart broken and raging she came into terrian, silken tresses shook and seemed to send off the firey sparks of hell. Optics scanned territory for signs of another finding none would this land bare her anger poured out trusting her figure airborn, dragon-like wings bore forth from rib cage, with silver under sides and the ebony bone that outstretched the skin. Heavily pregnanted form seemed as if t'was never there with femmora's grace and speed. Slender neck of Hamunaptra's arabian bloodlines outstretched and lowered tea cupped cranium as embers poured from opened equine lips, burning and rampaging t'wards all earth's forms and burnt to crisp, all it could touch. Blazes burnt not of the scarlet and golden orange of most but that of ebonite color of her dam's home land. Hellish mare was sickened of her sire's side of relatives of Hell's royals rediculaious quarling. Anger was inraged over siblings blame falling pon' her, when all fault she had spooken of fell pon' her sire, Tempting Lies. Under all the pain came yet another fault of rape from a previous realtion with a steed of madness. Now "blessed" with a filly unwanted made matters all the more worse. All in femmes path of flight burned in torturing embers, when temper cooled slightly relizing rage shall come pon' mad steed dubbed Misery Decay, "Death shall come swiftly to thee, Misery for you've put your own insainity pon' me and thou shalt never wished you set a limb pon' this cold earth." Her harsh wickid vocals rang finally, she would kill the now enemy if it took all strength she bared within herself. She halted in atmosphere hovering over the once emerald earth beneth her that t'was now of ash. Now would be when she returned to homeland and doubted she'd ever withdraw herself from the land, for all had been ruined except for her future and her to come offspring. Mind wandered thinking of how the filly within her would never bare a future that delt with her sire for her life would bring that of greatness and p'wer and Misery Decay would never bring these things.

.*.Reputation Ruined for Doin' what I Did.*.

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