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Subject: _> BIRTH

Midnight Angel
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Date Posted: 15:51:24 03/11/02 Mon
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In reply to: Midnight Angel 's message, "->" on 15:44:10 02/25/02 Mon

The pain sharpened within' her, she knew her birth was near, she rised from the chilling waters she had layed within'. The water trickled from her white spotted side, her wings had dissapeared for she had tucked them amoungst her side, she stepped lightly upon the bank her rounded barrel clearly shown that she was near bursting. She looked back once more to her love passtion filled her blue eyes. She knew she must leave for the pain surged within her, she walked slowly and cautiously her ears pricked for the lightest of sounds. SHe hid herself amounst brush thickly pilled, she layed her full body amoungst the land, and rolled to her side. Her eyes darted hoping no one had followed. Her eyes rolled back within her elegant head with pain. Her legs were parted wide and she pushed them out as she wuffed in air and pushing out hard, this would be a tiny difficult for it was her first foal. Only to the top of the new born to be's hocks appeared. She huffed a moment catching her breath, she then sucked the atmosphere within her straining and pushing full fource, the foals hauches appeared up to it's flank, it would be slightly easier once the foals shoulders appeared, she knew. Shr aised her head slightly to observe her progress, she saw that she was close to half way, she flopped back down. She huffed once more and the foal slid out amoungst to its front legs started. Once more she thought. SHe shoved harder, she whistled and ear peircing whistle of pain as the foals head appeared and the legs slid out. She quickly stood up after sucking in a breath of relefe. She knew danger could be near, the foal had already broken the sack and appeared black as night like his father and possesed a silver horn and yet no wings. Angel smiled pride glemmed all over her as it seemed a sparkling silver glitter shown around her.

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