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Date Posted: 09:59:01 06/16/02 Sun
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THe herd enters th' territory, searching for their herdmate, Bayda. They look about. She is nowhere to be found.
"I KNEW we should have come sooner!" Batal exclaims.
Dirayat hands her head. "I know," the ghostlike mare says miserably. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't told you not to hurry, she'd be back in Coppice."
Nazeem speaks: "Dirayat, you know that isn't true. You did the sensible thing, and besides, she may have been gone anyway."
"I was sensible and now my best friend is gone!" The ghostly mare rears up, letting out a shrieking cry of anguish.
The herd is quiet. What has happened to their tart, sensible Dirayat?
"Well, I suppose we should go back," Adib says, silver-and-black alicorn held low, its shine lacking. Heads nod all around in agreement -- except Dirayat's.
"I'm going to find Bayda," she declares.
"How?" Amal asks. "Dirayat, for an advice-giving pegasus--"
"I just am!" Dirayat snaps. "You guys go back if you want to, but I am going to find my best friend!" TUrning, she stomps away.
The Coppice herd goes back into Coppice, saddened and bewildered by these recent events.
Farhan, who had been racing to find these very equines, halts, unsure of how he'll be recieved. As they drift away, he goes over to Dirayat. "Dirayat!"
Dirayat jumps, startled. "Farhan?!"
"I know where Bayda is!"
"Where?! And how do you know?!"
"Never mind how I know -- ask Bayda when you get there. She's in the Bloodbath, under the supervision of a blackblood shapeshifter named Skajira! Now get going! She said she'd get out on her own but I don't reeally think she'll succeed." Farhan launches into the air, soaring away into Yshmaar once more.
Dirayat wastes no time, but also launches into the air, going into Yshmaar -- but bound for a different destination than the stallion ahead.
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