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Subject: ~*~Horror~*~

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Date Posted: 13:12:40 07/18/02 Thu
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In reply to: Tashir 's message, "-*-Respite, of Sorts-*-" on 12:42:16 07/18/02 Thu

~*~Swimming upstream, the white felequorn in tigeress form spots a pale shape washed up against a large rock, almost a small island, in the middle of the wide river. Leaping up onto the outcropping to investigate, she peers down, sniffing the soaked, almost-drowned form for a minute to decide whether or not it is worth eating... when she suddenly recognizes the distinctive shape and scent of her brother's firstborn.

Shock reaches her cool expression and she gently picks up the prone form in her teeth, slipping back into the water and getting out at the nearest bank. Laying the filly softly down in the cool grass, she places an enormous paw lightly onto Tashir's side, pressing gently but firmly as the little one splutters and coughs, attempting to get as much water as possible out of the poor bruised infant's lungs. Poor little Tashir... she muses to herself. Never even tasted mother's milk and already you're close to death. A soft feline sigh brushes her lips. You haven't a chance, little one.

But all the same she lifts the barely-breathing filly in her surprisingly tender jaws, carrying it carefully back to its sire's home.-*-

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starlyte starbryteNight Of Starz07:22:47 07/19/02 Fri

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