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Date Posted: 10:25:39 07/21/02 Sun
Author: Ikkitarita
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Subject: sands of time
In reply to: Skajira 's message, "-*-The Lion's Share-*-" on 08:31:22 07/19/02 Fri

The stallion saw it coming, far to late. The hoof smashed down on his neck, snapping it. The blow did not kill the stallion instantly, but Ikkitarita knew he was dying. His hazel eyes began to mist over, and shift in a out of focus. It is said that the dying can see into the future, and Ikkitarita was no exeption. Before him he no longer saw his killer but instead a blackblood alliance, dominating for a time, but in a faded and unclear future there was something else he saw. The future is not a set thing, the stallion knew. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe. He did not want to die, allowing Skajira his first victory. His dying words were to his murderer, in a weak ragged voice: "You might kill me now, but mark my words Skajira, i'll be back." With a heaving breath the white stallion closed his hazel eyes, for a last time. His body lay limp,alicorn touched the ground as the stallion's head lay still.
it's okay! Ikkitarita will come back. heheheh Chelle told it's possible. ::sighs:: i'm working on that with Tattered Glory, my other dead char.

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[> [> [> -*-Triumph-*- -- Skajira, 14:33:32 07/21/02 Sun (

-*-Stepping back from the prone form of his enemy, he throws back his head and releases a triumphant call. With a whinnied laugh he stamps again for good measure. Back? Not for a long, long time, Ikkitarita. And not before my offspring have drunk your blood and torn apart your feeble flesh. No, Ikkitarita, I did not do this for some flimsy 'Alliance'... but for myself, and for those who will follow me, those with blood as pure and as black as my own.

Transforming into the sable pantherine shape becoming ever more comfortable to him, he bends down, tearing at the dead Silverblood's throat at the jugular... delicately lapping the purest silverine blood.-*-

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