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Date Posted: 01:55:33 07/23/02 Tue
Author: Tamilir
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Subject: ~*~Urgent~*~

~*~Slipping quietly up from Zespri, the felequorn in the shape of a white tigeress carries the prone form of a little unicorn filly gently in her mouth. Placing the creature softly down onto the grass, she 'sighs' slightly... yowling for her idiot brother to come and try and tend to the poor dying thing. I mean, I bothered to rescue the poor critter... Come on, Skajira!~*~

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[> ~*~Death~*~| -*-Mourning-*- -- Tashir & Skajira, 04:10:49 08/06/02 Tue (

~*~Lying crumpled on the ground, the minute form of the newborn filly heaves ever so slightly with each waning breath, her glazed eyes showing she is not long for this world.

Slowly, ever so slowly... that breathing ceases altogether, the tiny heart refusing even one more beat. After a long moment of stillness, a phantom form rises from the prone shape of the infant, and stands translucent, gazing upon her father and aunt, before fading away altogether; though she shall return.~*~

-*-Bowing his great head to breathe gentle warmth upon his dying firstborn, the mahogany steed watches her eyes go glassy and cold, her breathing slow, and finally cease. You were a fighter, my sweet. You survived more than I ever thought you would. And now, at last, you have peace.

To his half-sister he gives a small nuzzle of appreciation. She died in her home, at least. A small blessing within a greater curse.-*-

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[> [>
Font-fixing.... --
Blade {their player}, 04:12:01 08/06/02 Tue (

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[> [> [> ~*~Refusal~*~ -- Tamilir, 15:28:46 08/07/02 Wed (

~*~Bending down to touch her horn of purest ivory to the prone form below her, the felequorn reaches deep inside herself, finding every possible healing energy she possesses, and pressing it deep into the just-stilled heart of the filly. With a flash of white light, Tamilir's eyes glaze and she sinks into another Realm.

~ ~ ~

All is white, all is silent... there is nothing but blankness everywhere, except for the form of the little unicorn filly, her eyes finally bright, cowering before the strange, amorphous form of Death.... a horse blacker than void, blacker than infinity, blacker than the eternity that rises to consume the little life whole.

But like an avenging angel the white unicorn appears, rearing and whinnying, shattering the endless silence that entrances this nether universe. Pick on someone your own size, her blazing eyes seem to say as the utterly silent black form does not move over to her so much as drift, his hooves rising to meet hers. With a clash of nail against nail, it is suddenly over. The Reaper turns, and gallops away, defeated, for now, by the unicorn's healing touch.

~ ~ ~

Back in this reality, Tamilir pants and gasps for air, her sides heaving from her spiritual exertion. But it has paid off- the tiny unicorn, all white except for her zebra-striped legs and horn, gazes up with bright eyes, breathing deeply. She does not breathe easily, but at least life is there, is possible. With flame in her eyes the adult felequorn looks hard at her half brother. Never give up, Skajira.

Nudging the little one to her feet, she pushes her gently over to the corpse of Ikkitarita. Drink, Tashir, and be well.~*~

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[> [> [> [> ~*~Vitality~*~ -- Tashir, 15:32:19 08/07/02 Wed (

~*~With new brilliance in her eyes, the little one nuzzles her new 'mother' with utter affection, before bending down to drink the silver blood from one of the many wounds in Ikkitarita's still body.

As it enters her veins, power pulses through her; she grows ever more alive, feeding on blood instead of mother's milk. She keeps drinking hungrily, growing stronger by the minute.~*~

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[> [> [> [> ...Sight... -- Nile M<><>n, 19:35:53 08/07/02 Wed (

Vixen turns toward stregthened fawn quietly, looking to her filly for assurance then watching other.

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[> [> [> [> [> ~*~Excitement~*~ | ~*~Curious~*~ -- Nimir & Tashir, 05:09:29 08/08/02 Thu (

~*~With a wild flicker in her eyes, the little bay filly nudges her mother playfully, then scampers over to the other, rather older, foal. Stretching her neck to gaze upon her, she whickers a little trill. Who you?~*~

~*~Eyes lighting with delight upon seeing her new little sister, she whickers back, a slightly lower tone. I'm yer sister. We have the same daddy. With a silly 'grin' she nudges her father, then nickers playfully and nips the other filly, running off to play.~*~

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[> ~*~Drink~*~ -- Tamilir, 05:13:52 08/08/02 Thu (

~*~Glad immensely of the beneficial effect the silver blood had upon her new 'charge', she now nudges Nimir sharply towards the dead Ikkitarita. Drink, little one. Drink, and be a true Blackblood like your half sister.~*~

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[> ...Push... -- Nile Moon, 23:00:37 08/08/02 Thu (

Vampress nudged filly towards corpse roughly, Drink.

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[> ~*~Assent~*~ -- Nimir, 09:05:16 08/09/02 Fri (

~*~Rather annoyed by and resentful of all the shoving that is going on, she nevertheless bends her head to sip the slowly-congealing silver blood, strengthened infinitely by it, made into a Blackblood of the truest kind. And as she lifts her head she knows that when she is tall and strong, a grown mare with three full syllables comprising her name, she will taste this blood again, this time felled by her own deed.~*~

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