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fontie fixing... -- Lizai , 10:51:06 08/09/02 Fri (
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-*-So do I-*- -- Szakir, 12:14:54 08/09/02 Fri (
-*-A surprise, perhaps, even to his mother, a colt appears moments after his twin sister. Drying slowly, his dark bay hide is revealed, as his wide eyes peer about him. Instinct and hunger tell him to stand, stand and nurse. A few failed attempts at such endeavors leads him to frustration and nearly to the point of giving up, until he at last figures out how his sister did it, and stands, tottering over to his mother's side where he drinks, hungrily and greedily, of her milk.-*-
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-*-Joy-*- | ~*~Curiousity~*~ -- Skajira, Nimir & Tashir, 12:23:00 08/09/02 Fri (
-*-Swiftly moving from the winged feline, he reverts to equine shape, approaching quietly and carefully so as not to startle either mother or the new foals. Bowing his head, he makes sure it is clear that his intention is not to harm them, whickering softly to his new daughter and, at long last, son. Gazing in adoration upon the three, his eyes are soft with happiness and wonder... and yet hard with power, knowing he would die to defend these two, along with his two other daughters.-*-
~*~Jumping up from her place, having finally managed to pin her elder sibling to the ground, little Nimir transforms slowly back into her little filly shape, trotting excitedly over to see what all the fuss was about. Whickering a greeting to the new little ones, she shoots an enquiring glance at her father. Who they?~*~
~*~Transforming also, the white unicorn filly with black striped legs trots behind her little sister, nickering a quiet hello to her new sister and brother. A little wiser in the 'ways of the world' than Nimir, she nudges her. They're daddy's new foals, 'n I guess our new bro 'n sis. With a conspiratorial glance in her direction, she 'chuckles'. We gonna hafta do something pretty interesting to get daddy's attention, with all these new ones running around.~*~
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Y Mock-Alarm Y -- Malakeh, 13:01:10 08/09/02 Fri (
Motherly instinct tells Malakeh to stand still so that her foals can nurse. Still, she can't resist looking over at the foals' father and calling out, "This place is turning into a nursery!"
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