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Date Posted: 12:06:44 08/14/02 Wed
Author: Kharmendarhra
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Subject: ::|:: quiet observation ::|::
In reply to: Skajira 's message, "-*-One Last Thing-*-" on 15:30:22 08/13/02 Tue

::|:: Her silent black eyes watch him work, grotesquely impressed. She too despises Silverbloods and delights in their torment and demise.

Standing, she stretches and yawns in that infinitely feline way, padding over to Skajira. If I have your permission, sir, I would like to go hunting. Without awaiting an answer, she pads silently away, slipping off to find some prey.

Making not the slightest sound, she creeps through the long grass in the far end of the valley, towards Zespri, following an enticing scent. And there, bounding through the orchard area, are a family of deer. They pause, grazing quietly, and she stalks behind them, waiting... waiting... Finally they seem lulled into enough of a peaceful state. She pounces. The adults have their wits about them and break into an immediate run, but the little one looks about in confusion and then... it is too late. Dragging her kill into a tree, resentful of her injured wing, Kharmendarhra eats her fill and then falls gradually asleep. ::|::

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