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['drum shattering scream erupts from chords, wild gaze momentarily settling upon others, then off again, to bigger and better things . musculature, tense 'neath alabaster canvas, instructs limbs outward, always outward, slashing, ripping at the unseen, undefeatable captor she sought to destroy] [all at once, limbs returned to verdant lithosphere, sinews relaxing 'neath covering, thorns up-prick'd, caudal lowering to emerald shoots . 'twas as if nothing had happened, and perhaps, nothing did . it was the insanity that the enigma lived in, and it took no notice of her, she ignored it in return . only on their chance, though frequent meetings did the two combine . no set schedule for this was set, it happened often and against her control, as she battled for survival, for life] [so it passed as quickly as it had come, leaving only the sod torn from its place, resting lifeless upon the new shoots rising from the earth, and echoes of the calls pushed forth by expanded lungs . it was the unknown ... the uncontrollable rage she felt, the knowing that she could not stop it and yet she could not run from it, or give in . there was no choice but the one she chose - the choice of life, survival, and hardship] |
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