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Date Posted: 11:38:42 08/17/02 Sat
Author: Qyvir
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Subject: ~*~Boredom~*~
~*~Prowling the valley with boredom, the lioness-cub cannot help but wish there was something to do. Having been forbidden by her father to greet any newcomers to this terra, she could not investigate the insane fatale. There! Up ahead, she spots a lone stag, rubbing his antlers against a tree. He is absorbed in what he was doing, and likely will not notice her until it's too late. Stalking through the shadows, she crouches among the tall grass, awaiting her chance. The stag, distracted, doesn't notice her. There it is! With a snarl, she leaps, landing on the stag's back. With a snort of alarm, the stag's head shoots up. He begins bucking crazily, seeking to rid himself of the predator on his back. At last Qyvir loses her grip, and falls off. The power of the stag's bucking flings her into a tree, and she shakes her head to clear her vision of stars. When it does clear, Qyvir lets out a yelp, and leaps frantically out of the way of a charging stag. Determined, she leaps once more, but lands on the ground where her prey once was, as he moves out of the way. The deer turns to flee, but in doing so turns his back on Qyvir. She leaps on his back once more, and bites into his neck, seeking the jugular. There it is! The stag's struggles end, and Qyvir leaps aside as he falls. Looking at her finally-felled prey, Qyvir says aloud to no one in particular, Whew! I'm insane! She debates telling Skajira about this, and decides that he'd just punish her again for being stupid. She trots off to find a thicket to shapeshift back into equine form.~*~
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-- ., 11:43:30 08/17/02 Sat (
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~*~Silly Girl!~*~ -- Tashir, 12:57:14 08/17/02 Sat (
~*~Watching her silly sister attacking a lone stag, the older unicorn filly whinnies her amusement, trotting over to her mad half-sibling gleefully as the other transforms. Flumping down with her behind the chosen thicket, she giggles. You're mad, you are! She glances around. Let's not tell Dad. He'd really think you were crazy. After a moment she frowns, tilting her little white head at Qyvir. If ya don't mind... what didya do before that got him in such a ruckus? She turns, peering at the prowling Kharmendarhra. And who's she?~*~
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~*~Scowl~*~ -- Qyvir, 15:06:06 08/19/02 Mon (
~*~As she completes her transformation, Qyvir's now fully equine face sports a scowl. That is some snotty half-goddess thing who isn't nice at all. She came in here acting like she owned the place and Daddy asked her to stay and she said no in a very insulting way. I went over and said that she wasn't nice and why wasn't she nice?, and she said something about being nice when she wants to be and I told her to be nice or Daddy would beat her up [which he did, but that's a little bit from now] and she called me a pest -- the scowl turns into a full glare -- and asked who my daddy was and I transformed into a lioness cub and told her that my Daddy's Skajira and teased her -- here her glare fades a little and she hangs her head sheepishly, feeling like a fool -- and then she smacked my head and I leaped at her and she smacked me again and caught me in the mouth and threatened me and Daddy attacked and she dropped me and they fought and that's how I got in trouble. Taking a breath after all that talking, Qyvir waits to see how Tashir reacts.~*~
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~*~Amazement~*~ -- Tashir, 15:19:57 08/19/02 Mon (
~*~Eyes wide, the felequorn filly watches in amazement. Woah, Qy! That's crazy! She grins and nudges her sister. You're either really brave or really stupid. I dunno which! She ducks in case a playful blow is about to come. Don't hit me!~*~
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