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Date Posted: 14:48:46 08/20/02 Tue
Author: Arwen
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Subject: . returneth shall the light .

.::.Dwelleth is has in realms unknown to thee.::.

.Optics take in familiar sights.
Here she had not dwelt b'fore 'er departure
But she trepassed 'pon terra 'o the dark since the one whom was 'er tried and failed captor resided 'ere
Not seeing 'im,damsel decides to feast
Dropping slender crania to vegetative cords
Dents snapping hungrily at the turf

.:.But the light has returned,the light whom is she.:.

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[> ::|:: watch yourself! ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 15:27:38 08/20/02 Tue (

::|:: The black winged jaguar snarls, slipping out of the darkness in which she had been lurking. Ivory fangs are bared and she hisses sharply. How dare you intrude in the territory of my Lord! Pacing swiftly around her, she growls menacingly. Get your pretty hide to Sangre de Cristo, pronto, or else you'll end up like Ikkitarita. She gestures with her head toward the corpse of the unicorn, from which the horn had been brutally torn and most of the blood drained by her master. Move, and then we can wait for Skajira to come back from seeking a new land for us, and he'll decide what to do with a foolish intruder. ::|::

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[> [> .foolish is as foolish dose. -- Arwen, 07:03:39 08/23/02 Fri (

::Dwelleth it has in realms unknown to thee::

.Chiming laugh rings clearly.
'If you think me blooded silver,think again.A redblood am I and take orders from no one.Yet,do as you please,I shall come with you.Yet do not let your foolish head believe that I follow in fear of the threat o' death,for I fear it not.Slay me now,I shall not give a care.What is meant to be is meant to be.'
.Occuli stare straight in to ot'er fatale's.
.Challenging 'er.
.Crania turns away,silverine frame following.
.Silken tresse flicked casually in felines facials.
'And for your information,I beith not the intruder...you are.Just because one of black blood puts their claim on a peice of land does not mean that it is rightly theirs.This realm belonged to the redbloods once upon a time,and equines for that matter.Though,land belongs to no one but itself,but if anyone is its owner...it would be me over you.'
.Continues 'er way to the terra stated.
.Not waiting for damsels reply.

::But the light has returned,the light whom is she::

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[> [> [>
-- , 07:05:09 08/23/02 Fri (

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[> ::|:: mightily amused ::|:: -- Kharmendarhra, 15:00:03 08/24/02 Sat (

::|:: The feline briefly yowls a laugh of vile amusement. ~Dear heavens!~ she thinks. ~I must tell Skajira: these Redbloods are even stupider than Silverbloods.~ Her thoughts are thick with disgust. ~Ha, at least Silverbloods put up a fight!~

She shakes her head, the hilarity of the situation fading not in the least as she pads up the hill, holding her healing wing carefully to avoid the rocks. Stop being such a smug fool. You know that once we have killed the Silverbloods, we will kill all your stallions... and I will not be held accountable for what our stallions will do to your mares. She smirks. Ha, equines! You mean prey. If you knew anything you would know my captor is a felequine, though clearly you don't. And you own nothing. From your attitude you act like you don't even own yourself. ::|::

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[> [>
Closing my italics -- Blade, 15:01:04 08/24/02 Sat (

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