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Date Posted: 10:30:55 10/04/02 Fri
Author: Aiji
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Subject: Creature Of The Night

As massive heron wings over
specific terra, beaded orb peers downward, the vibrant blue of the creature’s eye standing
out against the dilute gray-white of her feathered pelt. As the battle below is observed,
wingspan folds against creature’s physique, causing the light mass of the avarian to
plummet downward. Slowly, wings are again let out, allowing the hellion to make a
quiet, perfect landing. Long, graceful limbs fold down from creature’s body, the taloned
toes gripping the earth beneath her. Regular form is assumed, the winged feline merely
standing beside one of the massive trees that reside within the territory. Turning upon
muscled haunches, bi-toned fem sinks her considerable sized claws into the bark of the
tree, then hoists herself upward, and into the vegetation. Though this supplies little to no
cover, it provides her with a better view. Quiet observations continue, hellion owning no
intentions to leave the district without the Devil.

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[> -*-Brief Notice-*- -- Skajira, 12:53:24 10/07/02 Mon (

-*-Feeling a familiar presence flying above and then landing, he glances briefly from his battle to glimpse the heron, which both his Sixth Sense and his nasal one tell him is the incredible female known as Aiji. Wonder what she's doing here... But the thought is, necessarily, brief, as he returns to his attack.-*-

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[> Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 20:44:41 10/07/02 Mon (

Dispite the brevity of the falcon’s glance, attentiveness increases a hundred fold, twin lobes pressed forward atop dished cranium. Pronounced stripes suddenly vanish into a rich black, hellion’s wings disappearing from her shoulder blades. Long, leggy feline leaps stealthy from the foliage, and onto the ground, piercing blues gazing directly at the pair as she advances, almost willing Skajira to give a second scout about. Figure now resembles the male’s own, their bodies nearly seeming to match bulk, length, appearance, you name it. Even the flow of the brute’s pelt is mimicked, the smallest detail being noted, and added into the feline’s appearance. The only discriminating fact, should any look close enough, is the boundless azure of the creature’s orbs…one of the only factors that may not be changed in regard to a shape shifter…that and sex. Raven form prowls upon the outskirts of the battle arena, the pronounced shoulder blades of she dipping and rising with each elegant stride. A pacing like mannerism is what carries the creature, ready and waiting to attack should the male ask it.

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