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Date Posted: 14:17:47 10/09/02 Wed
Author: Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir
Author Host/IP:
Subject: ~*~Patient / Warning~*~
In reply to: Skajira 's message, "-*-Amused-*-" on 13:57:53 10/09/02 Wed

~*~The just-barely mare felequorn appears, seeing the injured mare at which her sire is leering and immediately assesses the situation. Having never been in battle before, she remains to the side of the mare, from where her attacks are least likely to come, and bows down her head so that her long, deadly, black-and-white striped horn is ready to gore should she be told to charge. She is a pretty young mare, her still disproportionately long legs white with black zebra stripes, and the rest of her body white. Perhaps the most striking thing about her appearance is her stunning, brilliant cerulean eyes which appear to hold such innocence... and mask what lies beneath.~*~

~*~The rather older but by no means old felequorn mare adopts the same ready-to-battle pose as her niece, only on the opposite side, allowing Skajira to stand at the front. She is pure white, with a wild look about her that her twin sister, Safukir, does not possess in as great a quantity. Her black eyes are humorous but can be deadly and unforgiving.~*~

~*~The last of the three to make herself ready is the stunning Safukir. A pure ivory unicorn like her twin, her silken mane hangs perfectly and is tousled temptingly in the light breeze- ignoring her eyes, she is the picture of innocence, the ideal unicorn. But one glance at those cruel and haunting spheres shows her to be the temptress, the siren, the soul-crusher. She too inclines her sculptured head to ready the deadly horn.~*~

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[> [> [> -v- Bird of the Night -v- -- Nightingale, 14:28:23 10/09/02 Wed (

With a snicker she calls back, "Did you think I was intending to stay up here, fool?" Again she dives, with the same target. Better not to risk the horns. Again her onyx flints strike at Skajira, as he addresses the shapeshifter.

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[> [> [> [>
-- , 14:29:29 10/09/02 Wed (

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