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Date Posted: 16:38:42 10/09/02 Wed
Author: Nightingale
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Subject: -v- Bird of the Night -v-
In reply to: Unruley 's message, "~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~" on 15:46:35 10/09/02 Wed

Mentally the mare is unaffected by the shapeshifter, although certainly the wing pains her. She slams sideways into a tree, hoping to crush Aiji against it with her weight. She permits her heavily-feathered wings to disappear as she strikes it, to keep them out of her way. Rapidly she falls, yet shoots out her wings -- injury or not -- to slow her fall. When she hits the ground, they disappear again. Twisting her head around, she grasps the flesh of her opponent in deadly ivories, biting hard. Quite suddenly she disappears, and appears a small distance away, which is where she is when Unruley comes. Her sweet voice rings out clearly, as she says, "Now we shall see."

OOC: She doesn't have batlike wings, Aiji's mun. Hers are birds' wings and very heavily feathered. They tend to go very well with the rest of her, she being a Friesian, as batlike wings would not.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> btw: -- Lizai, mun of Nightingale, 16:46:10 10/09/02 Wed (

Yes, she *can* do the disappearance trick. She's had it since before omitir extaziz was even created -- as I know, since I helped Chelle come up with it when Aswad got his by getting a Cassandra riddle right. [Ironically, the answer was 'Nightingale'.] Check Cendre d' Secrete to see that she had it when she fought Unruley and then check Thundaiyil to see when Aswad got omitir from The Cassandra, which was when omitir was created.

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