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Date Posted: 18:19:24 10/09/02 Wed
Author: Aiji
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Subject: Creature Of The Night
In reply to: Unruley 's message, "~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~" on 15:46:35 10/09/02 Wed

[OOC:: I was under the impression that they were bat like for one reason or another. I apologize…and also, no one has accused you of lying or cheating, so you don’t need to prove anything to me. I’m relatively laid back about that kind of stuff]

Hellion if, notably, unaffected as the creature rams into a tree, her bulk positioned atop the withers of the song bird, and her head coiled back against her chest as soon as the extra appendage recoiled into Nightingale’s flesh. However, claws extend and sink into flesh all the more when the other impacts the massive shrub, keeping her rather precarious balance atop the fighting mare. As her opponent’s mass tumbles downward, her own wings unfurl, further slowing their decent, yet her jaws seek out the juncture where neck and spine connect, the stained canines sinking into the sinew. As the other turns and repays the attention to her own skin, a startled, yet menacing yowl is given to the fem, her maw parting, abandoning the weak point, and instead hisses cruelly. Winged feline swings down from the other’s back, and onto her side, talons still imbedded within her pelt. Paw closest to her face detaches from her hide, and slashes at her face, her targeted area the sensitive eyes. Undoubtedly, there would be contact, minimal or otherwise. As the fatale disappears, something that resembles a gasp is uttered, and her lithe form falls to the ground, all fours solidly connecting with the terra…she is a cat, after all. Appendages fold to hellion’s side, a low growl being uttered. A rather large patch, just behind hellion’s left wing, lacks skin and pelt, creature’s life force staining her coat. However, within minuets, the wound has scabbed over, then fully healed, the immortality that she possesses that to rival both of the hell equids.

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