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Date Posted: 12:48:14 10/10/02 Thu
Author: Aiji
Author Host/IP:
Subject: Creature Of The Night
In reply to: Skajira / Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir 's message, " -*-Cunning-*- | ~*~Attack~*~ (OOC: can't be bothered with a quadricolor subject... hehe)" on 09:33:40 10/10/02 Thu

Vibrent blues narrow into mere slits at the tauntings from the infidel, her anger dissipating into irritation at the Nightingale’s perpetual song…Shut up already. Sudden inspiration hits, and a smirk touches labrum. Massive wings pump, and heft female from the ground, her flight a short one. Annexes fold to hellion’s side, causing her to simply ‘drop’ from the sky, landing with a sound ‘thud’ upon the back of Unruley, trusting that any help to the targeted individual would be of more help than to quiet the song bird. Jaws close around the fragile area where the neck and back conjoin, the hellion’s black blood assaulting her mouth. However, her body soon elongates, her soft fur soon turning to soft scale, her taloned feet disappearing into her body. Her skull molds into a long, flat nosed diamond, her ears being absorbed into her skin and her eyes moving to either side of her face. Her teeth too melt and mold back into her jaws, yet her jaw strengthens, elasticity, now able to detach from it’s hinges to accommodate anything that she may wish to put into her mouth. The now seven foot long fem coils her muscled body around the creature’s neck, each section of her toned abdomen squeezing against the hell horse’s frail neck and throat. Four loops around the boa are completed, and now, working as a single mind, they contract. Cranial, as well as unused bulk, rest placidly atop the creature’s crest, and then move forward, wrapping part of her remaining body around a higher part of the female’s throat. Remaining physique and cranium moves forward, her glassy, unblinking orbs taking in the ‘royal’ creature. Skull rotates slowly, then stabs forward, her maw parting and closing around the female’s nostrils and mouth, keeping them both tightly secured…and closed. Still her body works in unison, each coiled muscled pressed tightly against the tender esophagus of her prey, the act easily able to crush her windpipe. Everything needs air…let’s see what happens when you don’t get any.

(OOC: : Just letting you know…you really and truly honestly can’t get out of an anaconda’s grip. It’s the biggest python in the world [or as far as I know], and it’s weight is around half a tun…that alone would smother most animals, then with addition of their grip…)

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[> [> [> :: to battle :: -- Kharmendarhra, 13:04:03 10/10/02 Thu (

:: The black jaguaress extends her long, black wings, seeing everyone go for Unruley and leaving Nightengale no longer engaged, and takes to the air.

Grappling onto the hellmare, her jaws extend, seeking either the base of the skull or the throat, whichever presents itself. ::

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