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Date Posted: 15:21:56 10/10/02 Thu
Author: Unruley
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Subject: ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~
In reply to: Skajira / Tashir / Tamilir / Safukir 's message, " -*-Cunning-*- | ~*~Attack~*~ (OOC: can't be bothered with a quadricolor subject... hehe)" on 09:33:40 10/10/02 Thu

Mare already immuned to the twice used attak to blind her completely ignores, otics only show of colorful spots not taking her vision. Needle like pin missles, that were dodged, halt in air gaining speed with every move are now flying at greased lightning speed almost unseen by eyes, as they have seemed to be of smart nature again swerving and flying at targets, again and again as they fill air, only few lost their way by smashing into shrubery and upgrowing trees. Mouth opened again showing slight bit of fangs, embering ball began to growing increasingly with final heave of breath, flames flew from between fatales whites, only blazes trapped by constant beating of dragon-like wings into a spiriling tornado motion ever growing it seemed to have size of wind twirling tornados, a sharp snort sent spirling flames forward at Kharmendarhra, sudden enterer attaking her allie, it swept itself into air and soared t'wards her. Turning Unruleys optics swept of darkest oynx as yet wings sharpened seeming to turn to steel sharp daggers, as fatale took to the air straightning wings, she soaring over enemys with slicing sharp wings slicing into each of the mare assists pelts before turning again and sweeping over them again, stopping in air above she hoovered as if the hawk of darkness, Once again mouth widened bringing forth another flamethrower it burned it's way, to the four below. Sweeping down yet once more ebonite daggers thrash into Skajira's spine, whites grabbed for crest of neck and searched for the precious vein allowing movement, tearing away she swoped over Nightingale arching slender neck, alicorn pointed out as swerved upward and charging at Kharmendarhra.

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