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Date Posted: 16:16:17 10/10/02 Thu
Author: Satan
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Subject: ºSpeaking of The Devil...º
In reply to: Nightingale, Chica d' Tortura, Hark the Raven 's message, "-v- Bird of the Night -v- .;temptress;. ..nevermore.." on 14:50:32 10/10/02 Thu

From the surface of the emerald earth came an earth quaking sudden burst of shaking, cracks in the dry dirt quickly darted their way through the ground. Steaming vapor quickly arose from the darkest side of hell, filling the terrian of the steam all that could be seen through the foggy substance was an ember being bore forth pon the earth from the hades from below in the form of the masculine figure of an equine. The redish blazes roared forward slowly morphing into the normal figure of the equine, as it countinued to morph into shape quickly showed an ashen steed the blackest of ebony pelt and lining of a dullish gold with stretching oynx line through the middle of lining, lining stretched it's way over defined muscles and outward edges of the young masculine stallion. His slightly dished cranium showed clearly he was offspring of Unruley's. Golden, black rimmed optics seemed to glem with all hells lies and deaths, as they scanned over the battle. He was clearly the exact definition of the devil himself. The steam slowly faded away now bearing forth the almost fully transformed equine, the last of the burning daggers took they're form, he seemed untouchable as if he were unreal. Paper-like nares flared with fury as strangly colored orbs fell pon the enemy, he had felt the danger of his dam, from Unruley's dam he had inheritted the kingdom of Hamunaptra a smaller portion of Hell, the city of the dead, hells throne had been taken from his grasp by his newly born uncle. It seemed as if nothing dare make a noise in his entrance. Quickly reacting coal and dull golden spiriled alicorn shimmered of the sharpest point, arching bold neck pounding limbs rushed him forward as he rammed the alicorn to the youngest mare assist, finding her the easier one to rid of first, haunches brought him upward as he arose before her with dicing hooves struck t'wards femme's cranium whirling bringing bold figure around with great balance and speed brought up smoldering hind daggers of burning branding heat to contact to femme's chest and neck. Bringing limber body around agian making way around his dam and battling enemy steed, attaked other two assistants, Spiriling alicorn slashed for fatales' ribs and flank area such a cut here would bring infection on swift feet. Swirling to older femmora, fangs came forth from between straight unemotional lips, grabbed for mares neck and along the crest searching for the juggular vein whites clamped with the greatest of force each contact, turning again at unseeable speed apeared on other side of other fatale clamping jaws grabbed for neck and poll sinking teeth in enjoying the sweet taste of the battle as he move the bites onward up to her poll then whirling again his speed again un caught by the orb appeared before the two, flamethrower flew forth from point of alicorn, the fire ever gorwing as it reached them.

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[> [> [> .| hell in your eyes -- Slave Dancer, 16:45:13 10/10/02 Thu (

..i see hell in your eyes..

..taken by surprise..

.| blood-hued optics rolled within skull and imaptience almost caused her to blow her cover, but she remained still. some pride rolled within her, satan had grown up beautifully. but that was not why she was here. then oculi focused back on the battle raging on without her. |.

.| not even unruley or satan knew that she-bitch dwelled within the shadows. waiting. just waiting for the proper moment to attack. the small vision that only come could see began to dull even more so. none knew the shadows that boiled within. |.

..touching you makes me feel alive..

..touching you makes me die inside..

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[Closing Fonties *does font farie dance*] --
[Britt], 22:46:06 10/10/02 Thu (

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