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Date Posted: 21:15:22 10/10/02 Thu
Author: Kafjir Deplion
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Subject: I Can Be Dirty, Too Don’t Turn Around, Don’t Say Goodbye
In reply to: Nightingale, Chica d' Tortura, Hark the Raven 's message, "-v- Bird of the Night -v- .;temptress;. ..nevermore.." on 14:50:32 10/10/02 Thu

As the duo of Elix ingress into terra, a loud, all consuming din is given, all matter being evacuated from the falcon’s lungs, causing the cry to reverberate into the surrounding territories. Massive jaguar form swoops downward at the assisting hellions, a loud battle scream erupting from larynx. Target is the masculine that attacks the serpent upon the unruly one’s boa, his vulture like wings folding against his jettison black pelt. As male is able to extend his legs and touch the earth, his bulk is now upon the ground, his long, loping strides bringing him closer to the offending with every second passed. Upon his arrival, muscled hindquarters bunch beneath the brute, and rocket him upward, his jaws closing around the vital vein in the male'’ neck. Blood does indeed venture forth from it'’ hidden realm, his target, or at least enough of it, met.

Though younger than his predecessor, the male made up for it in his size and will power. His target is the screaming bird, his white form suspending in the air directly above her. As her belly is exposed, the brute plummets downward, then lands aside the fem’s head. As she rolls over yet again, sizeable fangs sink into her throat, his grip being maintained despite her rolling about and thrashing. Legs and teeth are carefully avoided, yet the mascu knows that he will carry wounds from this battle.

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Down To One Last Breath -- Ensenya, 21:28:47 10/10/02 Thu (

Hellion enters arena, ebonite hued orbs widening in surprise. Before her are her two brothers amongst a massive, writhing pile of fools... why this surprised her, she did not know. However, one certain individual did catch her attention, the scent of she a familiarity mixed with that of another…Orbs widen in realization, and fem leaps into the air, quickly winging in from the perimeter of the territory, to directly into the thick of it. Without so much as a snarl, hellion drops, and I do mean drops onto the neck of ‘Hark the Raven’, her weight enough to, at the very, very least, throw the brute down. For added insurance, creature scales up the muscled thing and clamps powerful jaws over nostrils and maw, ensuring they close. Taloned paws dig into the face of the brute, several of them positioned neatly over his eye sockets.

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[> [> [> Creature Of The Night -- Aiji, 21:58:21 10/10/02 Thu (

Should a snake be able to cry out, now would be the time. As the burning hooves sear the reptile’s flesh, gaze spins wildly, only able to catch a glimpse of her attacker. However, burns scab over and sprout new, shined scales in place of the charred meat that once hung there, her immortality surpassing just about anything that this group could throw at her. Reptilian fem is quick enough to evade the brute’s snapping teeth, yet is unable to completely avoid is flailing hooves. Several more burns are prevalent upon her camo-hued pelt, yet they too heal over within a minuet. A new adaptation is now introduced to the serpent, a pair of sacks growing and filling within her mouth. Two fangs simultaneously break through the roof of her mouth, the things hollow and connected to the sacs. Instantly, the teeth are brought downward and into the muscle of Unruley, the venom quickly seeping into the hellion mare. Coiled bod continues to contract and squeeze the tender throat and trachea, yet she now continues to suffocate, and implant venom into the sprite’s blood system…

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