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Date Posted: 09:54:43 10/12/02 Sat
Author: Faith (Unruley & Satan's Mun)
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In reply to: Britt 's message, "*g*" on 21:58:10 10/11/02 Fri

Okay look here, some of you brought me into something that wasn't even my fault, for one Britt I didn't bring in a thousand charectars, see I had Unruley in this and her long time friend Nightingale came in then you and Blade blimped in charectars from all over Creoto, So what did you expect me to do just stand around and watch my charectar get smoothered? No I entered her son Satan, and Slave Dancer is her sister who has a different Mun so I only entered 2 horses in this, I didn't go nutso with them. I think this thing was ridiculous Skajira and Unruley could have carried on this fight without turning all the blackbloods against each other... Perhaps two charectars like the passing by Nightingale and one of Skajiras mares, I can see that but not the way this went! And I do addmit I need to make an apology to Blade for not getting any of her attaks, this was such a big mess and nobody was really using names and I didn't know who the hell was attaking who, so my sincer apologys to you Blade. Anyhow how did this get into such a big OOC fight??? I think power playing is excepted in many ways by different ways, if you say "...jaws grabbed at brutes neck" see they might think you didn't actualy use a fighting tecniuqe, but then again if you say "...white clamped down pon' brutes crest." They know you attaked but they can count the damage weather it is seveir or just a simple scratch. Then again if you say something like, "...whites came forth clamping into the brutes neck ripping into juggular vein tearing it to shreads" we all know thats pping, I count powerplaying as that just as long as they don't say the damage of the attak I'm fine with it. I will agree we probly all did pp even if just a lil' we all did. And I will apologize to all who thought I did, I think we all owe each other an apology, unless you feel like you've done nothing at all. We shouldn't make enemys of each other by just taking a charectar fight personaly, ya know?Plus we made all the silverbloods have an oppertunity against the blacks scence like every blackblood in Creoto got into this. If we all make enemys of ourselves it's certainly not going to help Creoto. I think Creoto is awsome I've been active in it scence Jan of this year, and we all are the few active charectars it's got left. We need top help Lizai get other peeps in on this to make better plots more charectars and a bigger rp. So how bout we just "withdraw" all charectars because this fight just went nutso, I count nobody that was in this rp as an enemy just simply a misunderstanding in a really mixed up battle.

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