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Subject: They Aren‘t Secrets If You Know Them

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Date Posted: 21:43:04 06/02/02 Sun
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In reply to: the mime 's message, "i know your secrets." on 21:29:10 06/02/02 Sun

..Ever Hear That Little Voice Inside Your Head…
..Telling You To Be Naughty?..

A soft, replying purr exits larynx, ginger hued optics closing for a moment as masculine ‘cuddles‘, finding the act rather enjoyable. A soft, scolding nip is placed softly upon male‘s withers, far more teasing than repremanitive.

..They are young yet, and do not know a great soul when they see one..

Figure again presses against the male‘s, several movements rather suggestive, should one take them in correctly.

..I would only suggest my company, love. I am far too greedy to do otherwise..

A soft chortle arises before figure is pressed against his own, seemingly oblivious to his diverted gaze. As he pulls away, she moves to her feet, wings stretching away from imp’s form.

..Trivia will know that it is you and I, and not her. She will know this when we leave with out her, and she should stay..

A soft nudge is applied to his neck, before physique turns slowly toward the perimeter of the area, and a slow, yet steady pace leads her closer, the casual gait simply her way of waiting for the mascu.

..You Thought It Was Just All In Your Head, Didn’t You?..

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they're secrets to everyone else.the mime21:56:50 06/02/02 Sun

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