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Subject: Unicorn

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Date Posted: 12:38:50 07/02/02 Tue
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In reply to: Mitisha 's message, "good" on 10:07:55 07/02/02 Tue

Medium sized canine watched the one called Adrena approach. "A Unicorn? Does that count? I thought they were considered fantasy not Equine." His mind tailed off thinking about Adrena finding one for the race. Retracing his memory he though about what the irritating Tiger said to him. He was said to Find 3 equine steeds take them the Mt. Gibeon for a race and send someone to ... wait. The Wolf thought through that again. Race? Didn't the filly say Steeplechase? Finally mind ran loose and mouth broke open. "Wait!" He looks at the filly "Weren't you told to hold a steeplechase? I was told to hold a race not a steeplechase. I think we've turned 2 different ... things into 1. Maybe we weren't supposed to do this together. This is supposed to be two different adventures whatever you want to call 'em." He didn't want to seem rude like he didn't want any of the others company. He rather liked and was used to company especially different species. But this wasn't made to be the same thing. At least that's what he figured after jogging back through his usually blank memory.

(I was talking to the owner Chelle [Before her computer crashed] and she said that these were supposed to be two different things ... )

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OOC/puzzlementtahle/Mitisha13:14:37 07/02/02 Tue

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