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Date Posted: 17:54:41 05/02/02 Thu
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In reply to: Dancing Raindrops 's message, "¤study¤" on 16:06:33 05/02/02 Thu

Detruisent keeps to his style, catching injury on fragile legs. The force of her attacks were mirrored with andalusian strength through silver tipped alicorn, slicing wherever possible whenever she came close.

He was letting her lead, following her movements with forthward or backward steps, keeping safe distance through pushing her to go a beat faster, either direction she chose. Sometimes he drew away and lured her, sometimes pushing t'wards with horn lowered. Always testing his control, perfecting the weak spots.

The throbbing had moved to his hooves, sable flesh ripped and mingled with raven blood. The pain lasted only until the flesh became numb, a dangerous thing, as he couldn't feel when to quit. When the feeling came back, it was doubtful he could walk. Now adrenaline filled his veins in place of lost blood, soon the mare would learn of his agenda?

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¤annoyance¤Dancing Raindrops13:12:12 05/03/02 Fri

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