Subject: Beginner Breakers Listen Up |
Author: Moky [ Edit | View ]
Date Posted: 20:40:20 03/15/02 Fri
There has always been questions about what's the best way to get into breaking, how to practice, how to learn ect. I'm hoping to give all you beginners some useful advice, and hopefully maybe a lot of these style of questions will be answered.
First off. How to get into breakdance.
If your going to want to get into breakdancing, make sure you get into it for the right reasons, being that YOU want to break, not just because everyone else is or to impress someone, do it on your own terms, and make sure you have patience to stick with it. Breaking takes a lot of time and energy to get good at. It also requires you to be reasonably fit, have good coordination, balance, and flexibility. Not everyone has the body type or traits for breakdancing, and you'll usually figure this out within the first month of breaking. If your not developing, and are caught up on moves all the time you may not have what it takes, or maybe your slow :P .
2nd. Practicing and Learning.
For some reason people think that there is some EASY way to learn quickly and become right away, fact is there isn't. But there are some key things to ensure you're going to be doing the best you can. Stretching is very important, I recommend stretching at least 45 minutes of a day, even if you don't break that day, and make sure to stretch and warm up before you break, it promotes good circulation and less injuries. and have a oool down period afterwards, just like any other physical activity. It's also good to not over exert yourself either. Breaking is a very tiring activity, and shouldn't be overdone, it can lead to exhaustion, strains and cramps. Take it easy. drink plenty of water and make sure you are eating right. When it comes to getting down to breaking and learning moves, the best way to learn is through assimilation. Break with people of various degrees of skills if possible, they'll be willing to teach you some moves, and if not you can bite them and try em yourself :P. and anyone at your skill level, you can have a friendly battle. and anyone lower then your skill level you can teach to help improve confidence. Make sure you compete in any circles, battles, ect, it really helps a lot. Also try to view a lot of breaking. If you don't have much braking in your area, the best bet is video. Video usually gives instruction while showing you what to do. Despite what people may say the worst way of learning to break is reading instructions. Even diagrams are kinda useless.
3. Furthuring the Technique
Advancing your moves will always take time. So don't get frustrated. Just becasue you don't get a move right away don't get discouraged. Keep trying, and if you can't get it, you might want to try a new move.
Also when breaking, make sure to develop your own sense of style and technique. Create your own moves and most of all, make sure you have fun.
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- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Moky, 07:04:40 04/16/02 Tue
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- ed godrich, 01:35:01 05/02/02 Thu
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- adam, 10:04:05 05/07/02 Tue
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Heat, 09:05:58 05/08/02 Wed
- The easiest cool looking move in detail -- Ric, 01:56:45 05/13/02 Mon
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- wade, 04:09:08 05/15/02 Wed
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Ra_AE, 13:01:21 06/04/02 Tue
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Godfrey, 16:00:54 06/05/02 Wed
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Jack, 21:25:17 07/07/02 Sun
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Jack, 21:32:41 07/07/02 Sun
- Help -- Jack, 20:17:39 07/08/02 Mon
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- Kim, 06:15:40 07/23/02 Tue
- Re: Beginner Breakers Listen Up -- beverly, 14:47:52 08/06/05 Sat