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Date Posted: 17:04:33 10/20/02 Sun
She smiles softly. It all depended on what was going on. All in all, my old home was very pleasent, but it had its drawbacks. She sighs sadly, deciding that Dream was old enough to know things that she had been afraid would have hurt her before.
Your father, your real father, was one of those drawbacks. You see darling, I come from a race called the Flaris. I'm a hybrid which is forbidden. All hybrid's found are to be killed. Well, the Flaris never found me or my family, so I was safe. But if they were to find me, I would be killed along with my mate if we had children and my children. As long as I had no children, though, my mate would be spared. When I told your father that I was pregnant with you and your brother and sister, he told me to 'get rid of you.' She sighs again.
I couldn't do that, so I left and came to CM. You've been safe here as well as your siblings and myself. And now I have another love, Cuewlen. She smiles at this. So you see, it's better I came here. I may have loved my old home but CM is so much better for us all. She smiles at Dream and nuzzles her lovingly.....
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