Subject: you guys need to read this by the end of the month |
Author: Cuewlen
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Date Posted: 14:17:38 12/18/02 Wed
He looks around the very familar cavern, by now it should be, and he sees his little hatchlings, not so little anymore, playing in the dark shadows of the beautiful cave. It was just yesterday that he had just arrived here, and met his future mate for the very first time. He remembers all the good time that they have had in the past, and all the bad ones to. Now they didn't need him anymore, they have grown enough to not depend on him anymore. In away, he has always liked this attention, it was his need for being needed, like everyone in this so called world needed. How could he go on like this, just being alive, but yet, have no feelings inside to keep him going in life. He felt that he could just leave, and abandon his children like his so call father did to him, but he wouldn't, he remembered the way that he felt when his mother had told him what his father had done. He was devistated, how could he live without him, for someone to play with, or be a role model to. If he could just feel the need for him to stick around, he would, but if it didn't happen soon, there would be no use for him to stick around anymore.
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