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Date Posted: 14:21:07 09/04/02 Wed
Author: Szakir
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Subject: -*-Oh Dear-*-
In reply to: Szakir 's message, "-*-Bored-*-" on 13:38:39 09/04/02 Wed

-*-With a squeal he jumps into the air at the sight of the snarling cub, then relaxes and shakes his head admonishingly as he catches her scent. Qyvir! he snaps. Leave me alone!-*-

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[> ~*~No!~*~ -- Qyvir, 14:34:31 09/04/02 Wed (

~*~Golden-amber orbs narrow slightly with her glare. No! You're going to Mount Camaron, and I know it! You're not even smart enough to shapeshift into a cub first, which proves you're not smart enough to outwit the silvers! She adds, Which is definitely saying something. Besides, Qyvir continues, you're Daddy's heir, which means they're gonna wanna kill you first chance they get! Going to Mount Camaron, alone, still a colt, qualifies as a very STUPID idea! She glares at her brother, adding, Even more stupid than when I taunted Kharmendarhra that one time!~*~

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[> [> -*-Amusement-*- -- Szakir, 11:29:37 09/07/02 Sat (

-*-With a whinnied laugh the bright bay colt flicks his tail, sharp eyes glittering with mirth. Oh, sister, you are a fool! Had I gone in cub form, I might have frightened them or proved at least something of a curiousity... without having the strength or equipment to even defend myself. He snorts mildly. The idiots don't even know I exist. If they even knew we were here, don't you think they'd have left by now? If I go as just an ordinary colt... why, they might even mistake me for one of their own!

As he begins to move around his sister, it's clear his muscles are growing stronger, and his young body is starting to take on the lean power so characteristic of his sire, despite the still-curly mane betraying his youth. I'm going whether you want me to or not. If we're just waiting here, I might as well be useful, pick up a thing or two about their plans, or even their names and numbers. Tilting his head towards their placidly grazing mother, he chuckles. Look, she doesn't even seem to mind! I'm going.

Swiftly he breaks into a rather stilted, imperfect canter, which grows more and more fluid as he starts to feel his own rhythm, temper his wild pace.-*-

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