Date Posted:15:15:25 09/07/02 Sat Author:Malakeh Author Host/IP: Subject: „News To Me„ In reply to:
's message, "-*-Bored-*-" on 13:38:39 09/04/02 Wed
Looking up from her grazing, at last aware of what's going on, Malakeh inquires mildly, "Oh, I don't?" Swiftly she breaks into an easy gallop, pursuing her son. Catching up, she swerves in front of him, auds laced back; she is braced for impact, should it come. "Back to the others, colt. Now." Her voice makes it clear that this is nonnegotiable. She glances slightly nervously at her daughter, in lioness form, although her scent has been caught. "You too, Qyvir."
-*-Silently he sets his jaw, nostrils flaring as his father's dangerous fire, with his own unique twist, flashes in the bay colt's eyes. Turning sharply, he stalks over to glare at his happily-playing half-sisters. They're so dim, so lifeless! All willing just to fool around here, when there's the whole of Creoto out there waiting to be explored! He does not even snap at a passing butterfly, but merely glowers angrily at the world, sulking again.-*-