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Date Posted: 09:26:53 09/08/02 Sun
Author: Skajira
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Subject: -*-Sudden Apparition-*-

-*-With a little *blip* noise, a section of air suddenly becomes a tall, lean mahogany stallion, his yellow eyes glittering with pure, undiluted evil... and power.

Whinnying sharply, he calls to his harem and offpsring. Gather 'round! We're leaving. Quickly he trots to where Nimir, Tashir and Szakir are standing and draws them close, so he is touching all three. In a moment he closes his eyes, concentrates, and all three are gone with the same little *blip* noise that accompanied the felequine stallion's arrival!-*-

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[> -*-Back-*- -- Skajira, 09:39:43 09/08/02 Sun (

-*-Reappearing with that same odd noise, the Devil's eyes smile wickedly. Come on, you three. Nile Moon, Malakeh, Qyvir- let's go! Glancing towards Kharmendarhra, he whickers a 'chuckle'. You can fly. And if you don't come... I'll find you, and you will regret it.-*-

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[> blehh. inside -- Malakeh + Qyvir, 17:29:30 09/08/02 Sun (

OOC: Lizai is lazy so she's doing this all in one post.

Mahogany hu'd mare moveth closer to Skajira. She has heard of this strange power, o' course, and knows he must be touching her to bring her with him.

~*~Lioness cub moves also closer, wondering where they were going, and regretting the lack of time to shift into foal form.~*~

OOC: Hey Blade, we should probably have them grow up at some point. They've been fubs [foal/cubs] for a very long time.

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[> [> -*-At Last-*- -- Skajira, 05:43:43 09/09/02 Mon (

-*-Returning with another *blip*, he touches Malakeh and their offspring, in order to finally take them to his new lair. Gazing out across the valley below, the valley that was once his home, the sunset spreads a marvellous red light over the panorama... a blood red, in fact. Ahh, dusk.

With a wicked smile lighting his eyes, the felequine stallion and his last two herd members disappear with a triple-*blip*, reappearing far, far away... near the lake in Wolf Forest.-*-

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