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Date Posted: 11:50:52 10/19/02 Sat
Author: Redeemer
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Subject: :|| haunting me

:|| with an exhausted sigh the extremely young filly took a short rest. redeemer's brother had yet to catch up with her, she didn't even know he was following.

stopping her rapid yet undertrained motions and glanced about anxiously. the puffs of fur that made her tail fidgeted as she swatted at an annoying fly. talking to herself redeemer looked ot the border of the bloodbath.hmm..mommy sweems to have gone dis way..

she snorted softly before she studied the terra she stood in, how had she gotten here again? last time she was just leaving her parent's home and then she was here. without even realizing it she had used one of her powers.

sighing heavily she thought twice before leaving the territory. deciding that she really wanted to be beside her maternal began to leave the terra once more.

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[> / there were bloodstains \ :|| haunting me -- Bloodletting and Redeemer, 11:58:11 10/19/02 Sat (

with an annoyed glance he came into the terre seconds after redeemer had. catching sight of his sibling shouted with a raspy voice. hey! we hwave to wait for daddy! and mommy said that we had to stway home!

hearing her sibling she groaned out of anticipation. but she knew he was right. slave dancer had told them to stay with their father and she had disobeyed. turning she retreated back to her brother's side. awight, we can wait for dad to come and then i'm going to see mom.

her prounounciation of the words was obviously more developed and maturere then her brothers. but in some of her words the foalish accent was noticeable.

bloodletting sighed, glad that his sister was allowing a short break to wait for their paternal. good. and okay, then we can go see mommy with daddy though. shaking his his tresses as best he could whuffled some air onto his sister's neck.

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