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Date Posted: 17:32:38 07/29/02 Mon
Author: Heaven's Blazes
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Subject: *~Something Calls For Thee~*

The oynx steed came pounding into the territory, something was telling him to stop hear, yet he knew not what. He slowed from his full gallop. His limbs slowly brought him to a halt in the middle of the terrian. His bold body was lathered with sweat from the long journey, the liquid trickled off his ebony hooves. His breath came hard he had passed many territorys to reach an unknown destination, that only destiny would lead him to and faith would get him there. His silverblood rushed through his body with boldness yet excitment. The feelings left him, his optics jerked around confused, now where was he to go and what to do, he only knew that this was not the end of his journey. A breeze seemed to whirl around his head, and stoped before him rushing into his ebonite, handsome face, a white horse with a silver alicorn seemed to be reflecting in the wind. His orbs were wide with confusion, he watched the "reflection" with a confused mind and heart. It seemed to be whispering something, something that he could not hear yet it began to grow louder now into a hissing whisper, "You must finish your sire's deed, you must find the silver coppice horses, and join them in their battles." The words echoed in his mind over and over as he starred at the ghost. Suddenly the wind harshly blew as if a hurricane with an ear peircing scream, into his masculine head, almost knocking his powerful being over onto the earth. with a slightly visable green trail behing the ghost it whooshed over him heading for Mt. Cameron, he barely opened his optics through the harsh winds seeing it dissappear and scream, "THIS IS YOUR DESTINATION GREAT FLAME!" The harsh wind faded down. He knew he must countinue onward to Mount Cameron. Once more his being took to a powerful gallop, like grease lightning he fled into Mt. Cameron.

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Sheesh, I refuse to chase after you everywhere closing your font tags! --
Blade, 06:26:25 08/07/02 Wed (

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[> [> Iam sooooo Sorry! -- heaven's blazes Mun (Faith), 16:16:13 08/19/02 Mon (

I am so sorry, few of my charectars have fonts maybe one more besides Blazes, I didn't know about the font closing things even though I been in Creoto scence Jan. Cause I didn't have charectars w/ font colors. Sorry bout that I learned how to now, so it won't happen again, LoL.

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