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Subject: Cool-I-O

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Date Posted: 12:21:36 01/26/02 Sat
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Ooo, look! Yet another place for me to waste my non-existent time.

In case you're wondering, I've been lurking away on the Orac list for a while. I read all the posts, honest. But I don't have a lot of time to write answers, or even attend meetings. I'm a mate of Pat Elrod's (the maddest Blue's Brother I know!) having met her at Akon. I work for that convention, even though I know diddly about Anime and I'm not too interested in learning. I just like organizing a good con. Ask Pat. She always has a ball with us.

I've got oodles of writers coming this year. 8 in all. Most are or have written Science Fiction of one sort or another. (Our Sex and Science Fiction panel is one of our most popular!) If you're interested in knowing more, by all means pop over to www.a-kon.com and have a look around. This year we even have a writer's seminar (for really serious writers ) that is going to focus on Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. Can't wait for that myself.

Just thought I would drop by, add my two cents worth and then head back to work. There really isn't any rest for the weary.

Dances with Words

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