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Subject: a little training aqnd fun

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Date Posted: 07:09:19 03/08/02 Fri

I went to Sarahs stall and haltered her, then I led her to the grooming stall thing and put the crossties on, i gave her a quik curry and picked her hoofes, then I put on her jumping sadle and her bridle, I grabed my lunge rope, we walked to the round pen and began to lunge i had her walk for a bit but then began to trot her, she kept up this pace for a while but eventually she wanted to slow down, I rufused, I then asked for a canter, after she cantered a bit I made her stop and then swiched directions, we went through the same routine again, then i took her into the jumping arina set the lunge rope down and hoped on , i walked a few warm up laps then we trotted I practiced my posting, on the corect diagnal, and than we went the other direction, i quikly scaned the arina and noticed how high the jumps were so i stoped her hoped off and lead her to the jumps and shortened them, there were several fancy oxers, some double oxers, a brick wall a rolltop and an oxer with a small body of water in front, I mounted and we cantered around and began to take the 2 1/2 ft, jumps, she jumped fine until we got to the water jump, then she balked and i didnt expect it, i went flying into the water, blessed that I had my helmet on, I stood up sopping wet and walked to sarah who gave me this smile of "I got you", i mounted and startled her with the driping water but I went to the end of the arina and began cantering toward the jump, "aug, sarah got the wrong lead!" I went back and began again we cantered toward the jump, and I gave her a gentle verbal urge, squeezed and was soon flying through the air, on my horse this time! we landed safely and then i slowed her down and walked to the exit, I took her to the barn un-tacked her and then lead her to the race track and began making laps at a walk to cool the hot mare down, then I returned her to the barn, gave her a thorough grooming, put her away and headed home.

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