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Date Posted: 21:34:22 04/22/02 Mon
Author: Detruisent
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Subject: ][ blood.thirsty ][

The fields of Sharmishta gave way to forests of scrawny trees, mostly little ones that grew crooked or didn't grow at all. When the terra of rotton leaves and dead animals was pierced by boulders and rocks, already making it hard to walk, Detruisent was reminded of his aweful plan to cross Rahul Jagged.

It loomed ahead, Sharmishta's puny coppice doing a fair job of obscuring the view. The land sloped upward, boulders getting dense and larger and becoming walls of rock too large to pass around. The fickle ground required them to climb and jump their way up, only to miss its depths and slope to hell just as steeply.

Efforts to leap around on jagged bolders like a feline were met by harsh stones bruising their hooves and cutting at their straining legs. A good thing most silverbloods were silver and blackbloods were black. No one really saw how much blood Detruisent bled, save the hungry stones.

He didn't speak to Stovati here, either. But his silence was not of anger, it was of concentration. He was no longer dwelling on the fact that she could have fallen in love with Silver Coppice. Detruisent led the way most of the time, frequently pausing to breathe and rest his throbbing limbs.

The rough terrain disguised limping, but allowed him to see Stovati's strength. Yet, strength was a bad thing if she used it wrong. Something wasn't right, he knew. Something went wrong at Silver Coppice and not even the boulders could rob him of these demonic thoughts. He had to kill all of them, that's why he went on this trek through the mountains . . . to find others who would assist him in war. Though he reminded himself, he didn't know. He didn't.

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