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Date Posted: 18:17:10 11/22/02 Fri
Author: Midnight In Montgomery & Liberty
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Subject: \\Burning Both Ends of The Night// ¤Freedom May Ring Bute Will it Last...¤
In reply to: Farhan, *Raya, and others 's message, ":| Zakra? //Move Out!//" on 15:08:04 11/21/02 Thu

Steed watched not realizing any had been lost within the group he would stay amoungst the relative, and search. "Finally moving again it seems, Liberty shall you be with my group we'll cover ground quickly with I in the air and you following amoungst the earth." He turned from the alliance not sure who he was searching for but assured it would be a young one. Feathered wind-limbs carried his ebon figure higher into the atmosphere than the towering stones Searching for the unknown filly, yet scanning optics found none dissappearing out of the terrian.

Snowy stallion galloped swiftly underneth Midnight, ashen optics searched for the filly spoken of yet saw no other life figure and soon dissapeared behind the soaring ashen figure.

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