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Date Posted: 23:47:53 04/23/02 Tue
Author: .tear.drop.
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Subject: fate & destiny

A ledge of rock, deep within the cave network, companies a tiny treasure.

Tear of the Cavern
A small piece of diamond (about the size of an equine eye) perfected in the shape of a tear or rain droplet. The sides are laced with designs and fancy lines, painted on with silver blood. This treasure is very, very powerful.

To claim the treasure: e-mail Size3Jeans@AOL.com saying "____ has found the Tear of the Cavern in Threshhold Caverns." Then reply to this post with a detailed description of how your character found and attained the treasure. "Star spots the diamond. He had found a treasure. He picks it up and takes it to his territory." <- That will not do. Please, do your best to make it good and interesting. :) G'job finding it!

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