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Date Posted: 16:02:36 08/19/02 Mon
Author: Skajira
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Subject: -*-Brief Arrival-*- {claiming}

-*-Arriving, he discovers that there is a reasonable amount of vegetation to support a few horses here. *This will do as a back-up land.* Rearing, he whinnies his claim of this land, then keeps on into Pasa Sinha, deciding to explore this new land.-*-

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[> \\Burning Both Ends of The Night//(In Search of Skajira) -- Midnight In Montgomery, 16:34:11 08/19/02 Mon (

The ebonite steed charged into the terrian, galloping feircly, his oynx daggers diced into the earth beneth him. He slowed knowing Skajira had claimed the territory that was once his, he'd had to leave behind for there wasn't enough to feed on. He wildly tossed his handsome head rearing slicing his oynxs into the atmosphere before him, calling for the steed he'd only heard of but never seen let out a long ear peircing whistle for the Stallion Skajira. The blood of the stallion was clearly shown by his spirling silver alicorn. He wasn't here for a fight or a challenge, only to bring unto the opposite blooded felequine an item in which he clamped between the whites of his mouth. The simple chain hung from his mouth as his dark optics scanned the familar territory, he saw that no being remained here but he knew the stallion would return scence Skajira had claimed the territory. He knew not why he was delivering the chain to him nor why Skajira must continue passing it onward to spacific beings of the land, a darkblooded Lupine had taketh the chain to himself and told him specifics to pass on from Skajira, a heavenly equine had givin it to the lupine, and it was to be returned there after passings to many others. He stood boldly pon his masculine limbs watching for the entrance of the stallion.

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[> [> [He's in Advani. :-}] -- Blade, 04:11:57 08/20/02 Tue (

-kills the (N/T)-

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[> //Following// -- *Raya, 09:27:46 08/20/02 Tue (

Swiftly she follows Midnight In Montgomery, wondering if he's aware yet that she is doing so.

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[> [> \\Burning Both Ends of The Night// -- Midnight In Montgomery, 17:07:23 08/20/02 Tue (

Steed turns his optics widened seeing his alpha following behind him. He whirls quickly on the haunches, he gazes deeply at her, he hadn't heard her message before he had left Mt. Cameron, "Where did thee come from?" He was surprised, not in a disappointed voice, but glad that she had come, he loved her deeply and knew not of why she had came, she must feel the same for him, of course she did or she wouldn't have excepted his offer of being his mate. "No matter, I can see why, We must countinue to Advani I belive we shall find him there."

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[> [> [> //Nod// -- *Raya, 08:49:06 08/24/02 Sat (

With a nod, she responds, "Then let's go. The sooner we get this over with, the better."

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