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Date Posted: 15:04:04 03/05/02 Tue
Author: Midnight in Montgomery
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Subject: ->
In reply to: all 's message, "-=>" on 14:09:17 03/03/02 Sun

Midnight smelled the familar smell, the scent almost over came him with is instincts, but he restrained himself. He loped a lazy, but fast lope around the woods heading to where the mare in heat was, this would his perfect chance he thought. He approached her now coming from the woods he slowed into a toe dancing walk, he snorted and tossed his mighty head. His wings were flared out full length, he tucked his chin to his chest, and seemed to rack towards the mare. He stopped near her not rearing but throwing his hooves out. He approached her with cauton careful not to scare her. He stopped around 10 yards from her and his wild eyes rolled showing their whites, as he nickered out to her a greeting. His out stretched head whiffed the air once more smelling her scent. He now approached her more closly now, he trotted to her and whirled around turning, and trotted away , he came back once more and nudged her shoulder and did the same trotting away, he was slightly flirting with her. He whistled out to her each time he trotted to her. He grinned and looked back each time when he troted away, he had a handsome yet mischevious grin. His handsome and mighty body carried his trot easily and gracfuly each time.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -> -- home in my heart, 15:52:21 03/06/02 Wed (

::her ears perk, her defined yet slinder head lifted in confusion she nickered out to him softy unsure how to react at his actions not sure what he wanted::

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 11:48:59 03/12/02 Tue (

He smiled within himself he knew she was confused, he laughed aloud playfuly maybe his game would turn to flirting he planned within his mind. He canterreed tossing his mane he bucked out and playfuly laughed and his handsome body came towards her he shoved his nose to her shoulder, I bet you couldn't catch a a snail, he trotted away waiting to see if she would dare try to catch him. There was a certain twinkle in his dark orbs as he waited,

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