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Date Posted: 18:07:04 05/15/02 Wed
Author: Midnight In Montgomery
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Subject: //Returns from battle//

He galloped into the territory like greased lightning. He reared as he entered he knew the mares were with him because they were in front of the steed. From his neck dripped a steady beat of sparkling silver blood running down his neck from where the black had bit him. He had told the mares what would happen, but they hadn't listened and now they were all wounded, he didn't care though he had been beaten worse. He hoped Raya was okay and her friend whoever she was. He whickered for the two throughout the territory searching for them.

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[> //Return// * r e t u r n . -- *Raya, Almase, 13:58:37 05/16/02 Thu (

Sweat lathers neck o' she, blending with silver blood drawn by the mare Unruley, as she returns. Mahogany pelt no longer anywhere near that hue, she halts near Midnight in Montgomery. Battle-weary, and wounded, she struggles to remain standing. For once, a fight won.

Femora ent'reth alongside fellow silverblood mare. Appearance is marred, in the same way as her friend. The stallion was right. The mare Unruley had defeated them.

*Raya turns first to Midnight in Montgomery. Taking a deep breath, she speaks: "I'm sorry, you were right. The blackbloods defeated us, and now because I was a proud, stubborn little brat, we almost got ourselves killed." A hard glint in dark orbs. "But she's not unstoppable. Nosireebob, she is not unstoppable. Only to those unprepared. Someday, I'll face her again. And the outcome will be different. Very different." Expression returns to normal. "But for now, I think that introductions are needed. Almase, this is Midnight in Montgomery. Midnight in Montgomery, this is Almase. Say hi and let's go sleep." She turns and goes to take her own advice, in the shelter of a willow tree, not caring if she was rude. Politeness is unimportant in the face of a recently-completed near-death experience.

Nodding to Midnight in Montgomery as introductions are made, the mare Almase wonders if the silverblood realizes that she is still an unknown - to Almase, at least. With a mental shrug, she goes to a separate willow, also not caring how rude she is, and lies down without a word and sleeps.

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