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Date Posted: 05:36:46 06/01/02 Sat
Author: *Raya, Mulan, Sombra + Almase
Author Host/IP:
Subject: //Move On?// <--@caper .;silent * a g r e e s .
Silverblood femora turns t' winged steed. "Shouldn't we move on?" Gaze turns t' bare land. "The crows have come. If we do not find a home elsewhere, we shall starve."
Oblivious, th' femora's young filly capers, flapping her immature wings as she leaps into the air: "I'm flying!" are her words -- just before she falls, collapsing 'pon the impact. Impossibly-long legs splay out in all directions. With a snort, the filly picks herself up, contenting herself to running circles around her mother.
Black colt is silent, orbs staring 'cross th' land. He agrees with his mother, of course, but foals do not take part in adult-horse discussions.
Almase, on the other hand, has no objections to voicing her opinion: "I agree with *Raya," she tells Midnight In Montgomery. "We need to move on."
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-> -- Midnight In Montgomery, 19:08:38 06/02/02 Sun (
He wanted to know what Raya would say about his relation to the foals but knew they must move on, for it would be another breeding season before Rainmaker would be fine again. He tossed his black head, "We must move on, but I shall keep the territory, for it tis a good one yet will need healing time. I shall search for a new territory, in the mean time I need you all to stay here and I shall return ot show you to a territory when I find one." He laughed at the filly slightly, then nudged her gently to get to her feet, he whistled out then and took to the air for he was in search of something desperatly needed.
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_> Return from claim -- Midnight In Montgomery, 19:20:27 06/02/02 Sun (
The steed landed swiftly on bold limbs, for the claim had been quite simple as to what he had thought it would be. He whistled out to them a greeting. His dark limbs stretched forth carrying him at a trot to the four. "I have claimed a territory and tis called, Mount Camaron, it shall be almost perfect I do belive, water and vegitation is plantiful and tis quite large, 132 acers. It is now ours" He smiled to them both, then approached his Star of Sin and placed it in his mouth. He waited for the others to take flight first for he should take up the rear.
(OOC: Mount Camaron's link is in, Sangre de Cristo.)
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All Go -- *Raya, Mulan, Sombra + Almase, 13:58:54 06/04/02 Tue (
Mixed group exits th' terra following winged steed t' new terra.
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