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Date Posted: 17:35:46 06/05/02 Wed
Author: Liberty
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Subject: -> .snort.
In reply to: Spider 's message, "|x|.hard to get.|x|" on 16:36:21 06/05/02 Wed

He charged full speed enough to shake the heavens t'wards the flirting steed. He sunk his whites at the stallions flank. He reared mightily over him slashing sharps of his hooves dicing at the steeds back. Once mroe he grabbed at the steeds neck sinking his whites in deep, with clamps like a steel trap. Like greased lighting he flew to the stallions other side, rearing once more slicing at the foolish steeds barrel sharply digging in. A whirl like a shot bullet he flung out his hind legs all force t'wards the steeds ribs his sharp hooves had the strength like a train and speed of that of a cheeta. He dissapeared teleportign himself to the other side of the steed sending his hind legs forcfuly once more but at the barrel.

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