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Date Posted: 18:37:21 07/01/02 Mon
Author Host/IP:
Subject: |x|.is that so?.|x|
In reply to: Safukir 's message, "~*~Nay~*~" on 05:48:05 07/01/02 Mon

.chuckles lightly at 'er speech.
'You are not being fair lady.For call you I did not a a weak and feeble being.For I know you are not so,yet next to me you might be noticed only as a frail thing indeed.'
Occuli lock wit' 'ers for but a moment
Notices their twinkling mischeif
'Lady,I hope you are not deceiving me.For if that is the case then you will be taught a lesson.As I stated b'fore,this is my land,and all those that I am watching o'er are to be considered mine aswell.There is but one lorelei that I favor 'bove most.Yet she is only the flavour of the week.She is carrying my first offspring,and you shall carry my second.You perfume is tempting lady,and the urge to wear off any ot'er makes scent will soon be fullfilled.If you choose to co-operate,it will be quick and painless.If not,you will endure a painful first experience wit' me,and I like to make good first impressions.'
Nasils fill wit' 'er scent
And yet,they catch the cologne 'o anot'er brute
Snorts half heartedly
Circles 'round 'er
Drawing 'er near to a large column 'o wood
For if she chose not to particpate
'e wood have to pin 'er
Excited squeal emitted from parched labrums
|. Beware the spider with four legs..for he is poisonous .|

(ooc:if you want long,struggle.If you want short co-operate)

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