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Date Posted: 17:39:31 02/12/03 Wed
Author: Gwen, Cole, and Jade
Author Host/IP: cache-dm07.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: *co-cheif of police walks in the door*
In reply to: Aya Brea 's message, "Forever is to long..." on 20:39:21 02/11/03 Tue

*The lady walks in, she was on a bit of a maternity leave, though she wasn't fully. She rolled in two twins in stollers, one male, one female. Gwen was dressed in her cutomary worn yankee t-shirt and large jeans that flared out and over her shoes. The reaons she wore these jeans was that the gun strapped to her calf could not be seen. The twins who she strolled in appeared to be about a few months old, the female jolly looking, the male slightly grumpy. She looks to the new officers and brushes back some of her brown fly away hair that was in a braid down her back* Hello! *smiles* Welcome...I'm Gwen Reed *offers a hand for the new officer to shake*

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