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Date Posted: 22:56:30 02/25/03 Tue
Author: Ian + Ann
Author Host/IP: AC8A1D11.ipt.aol.com /
Subject: +looks up and heads over+
In reply to: Gwen 's message, "*co-cheif smiles* let me get Ian..." on 15:54:28 02/25/03 Tue

+Large brindled pit lumbers over and sits at the mans feet, sniffs at hailies foot and nudges it+

+muscled male walks over as he is called, getting the info from Gwen oon what was needed and moves towards the two+ so your looking to ban IP's? thats the best way to keep truble down...ok first your gona sign in and goto Main Message Index (now because you erassed all the messages, you'r gona have to wait till that person atacks again to get their IP #, but when they do, or anyone else you wanta ban) now listed with each post, after the time and date of the post will be the IP# in ( ), your is 1Cust249.tnt1.billings.mt.da.uu.net/ ...so you'r gona take that #(of the person you wanta ban) and coppy it into word or someplace...then you go back(on the browser, or re-log in and goto the first page with all the linx) and goto Access/Password Security: Host/IP Banning and Passwords. ....go down to Banning Restrictions (like the second thing) and in that(no link) if you wanta ban them from comeing to the board compleatly than paist the IP# into the Forum Viewing Ban-list (no Hostnames!) ....if you wanta just keep um from posting then paist the IP# in the box below that, Forum Posting Ban-list (IPs or Hostnames)......that should ban them...sometimes its bitchy and requires a thurow beating...if you hgave any trubles just mess with it a bit

(*player wraps bleeding fingers in towel*)

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